
I Ching


Birth Charts

Jade Emory
Birth Charts


Birth Charts are a blueprint of potentials for the entire incarnation.

Birth charts include 19 asteroids, 8 trans-Neptunian planets beyond Pluto's orbit, 2 planetoids, 3 Arabic power points, 2 suns beyond our solar system, and updates with both progressions to the closest birthday and current transits.

Birth charts also include focus on Jungian analysis, linking soul-calling with personality.

Clients are encouraged to contemplate and present their concerns, with all questions welcome, whether mundane or esoteric.

All consultations are tape-recorded, and the client is sent the tape.

Birth charts with progressions and transitis are $200.

Jade Emory holds degrees in psychology and education, has taught in American and Canadian universities and has been a counselor since 1970.

Jade passed beyond the earthly bonds of her body in 2020, and is studying astrology on the other side.


This Website was designed and is maintained by Robert Bike.